
Goals and vision

Goals and vision
 Carrying out research projects, producing printable articles in order to produce science and help in improving fertility and infertility methods and the birth of healthy babies, promoting community health

 Effective presence in international and domestic scientific forums in the field of fertility and infertility

 Interacting with other researchers and research centers in the field of fertility and infertility in order to treat infertility with new laboratory methods (PRPTherapy and stem cells) in order to expand the frontiers of knowledge in this field and study infertility treatment

Establish joint meetings between research centers

 Using some auxiliary methods of traditional medicine (in order to localize)

Implementing programs to improve the productivity of the center's researchers

 Holding specialized seminars for gynecologists and midwives to achieve specific protocols and resolve ambiguities in the field of treatment

 Attracting financial resources

Informing the clients about the knowledge of modern sciences in the field of infertility treatment

 Follow the process of entering information about the center's patients in the center's database program